Unfortunately by being a visible person on the internet and by being on a few social media platforms my content, words, pictures, videos and material over the last few decades have attracted and triggered many unwanted and imbalanced behaviors from individuals with no discipline, no understanding of boundaries, no understanding of the ruining of the integrity and reputation of my birth name, online name, brand and people with obvious mental health issues and obsessions.
For a few years now I have had to deal with things like death threats, explicit emails, trolls, aggressive behavior, cyber bullying, fake pages impersonanting me, harassment, hacking and for the past seven years cyber stalking by males and females over the internet. These individuals are using my online name, birth name, images, videos, content and pretending to be me, impersonate me or show alleged "love" and "support" in their own twisted and misguided ways based on fantasies. In most cases I do not know these individuals, never met them personally or may have unfortunately interacted with them once or a few times before I saw warning signs and had disrespectful and repeated boundary crossings.
They are also spreading false content, attempting to follow people I may follow on social platforms, contact them, pretend to be me, an alleged supporter or fan and attempt to get close to who I may interact with the most to attempt to in their disturbed mental issue fantasies to get close to me or find a way to me. To clear up some of the main rumors, scams, impersonations or falsehoods being spread by them:
* I am not married or was ever married. Anyone claiming to be any type of mate, spouse, wife, "spiritual wife", etc is delusional and spreading lies. I choose to personally identify as a heterosexual male so anyone claiming to be a LGBTTQQIAAP (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, ally, pansexual) mate, lover or spouse of mine current or from the past is also lying. Part of some of the foolishness of the male and female stalkers I have.
* I do not have any children. Anyone I do not know or ever met claiming that I had, have, adopted or should take care of their own child birthed by another male as my own again has clear issues.
* The official and only social media platforms I have are the ones you see here on this website's front/home page or at the bottom of the page. If you do not see any of my official links on this website, then it was/is most likely not made by me unless authorized, verified on that platform, or linked back to this website.
* I only have one official email which is moorishbrooklyn@gmail.com and another personal private one that only family and close friends have so any emails/communication coming from any other emails is not me; unless specifically stated and can also easily be verified from an email from my official business one upon request.
* Currently all communications, emails, calls, social media posts, etc are only arranged and done by me so anyone pretending to be an assistant, helper, team member, arranger, fan page operator, mate, trying to get you on Whats App when you have never interacted with me in that way before or scheduled a One On One chat officially is unlawfully/falsely impersonating me.
* I have an official PayPal and Cash App pages and any other pages is not me. Both can be easily verified by me at any time.
* No I am not an alien, reptilian, clone, etc that some have claim they have proof of in their fantasies and far fetched assumptions. Although amusing.
In many cases the social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, YouTube/Google, Instagram, etc and complaint departments are slow or refuse to do any strict blocking, removal, regulating or banning of individuals and behavior so all that I and anyone else going through this can do is do whatever is optional, document it and do screen shots for proof to protect yourself, have boundaries and protocols for interactions, secure passwords, use 2-Step Verification if needed and available; make clear your official pages, links and emails to your audience/clients/followers/subscribers.
Take care of your own space, mental health; do fasting, detox, energy cleansing in the morning and at night; take care of your home, family privacy and security; use spiritual protection as needed; use the law, law enforcement, courts and whatever lethal and lawful protection possible. Thank you for understanding, may people, platforms and the internet get better or more tolerable in the future. Be well, be safe, stay healthy, stay sane; keep creating and providing services, options and content to help humanity if you are a creator, online entrepreneur and don't let imbalance people and bad behavior of the few stop you from working with the many other good people seeking your services, products, light and information.
I will always do whatever is needed within my power and ability to stop malicious, aggressive, false and unwanted activities; report them to platforms, law enforcement, FBI, etc. However if anyone sees any fake pages, impersonations, fraud and scams pertaining to me please let me know by sending an email . Thank you.
* Side Note: I am a person that has studied human behavior and psychology from a spiritual science perspective for decades. However the average person being able to analyze someone from a mental, physical, spiritual and subtle perspective is tricky. One of the easiest ways I know of that enable people to understand that in most cases it is NOT them (for the most part); but the other individual who are imbalanced are through visuals (documentaries, movies, TV/streaming shows). If you wish to get a list of visuals; along with books, information, data, cleansing and cutting energy cords rituals, how to counter and repair the depression and stress stalkers may cause; dive deep into the root and inside the mind, subconscious and negative karmic attachment issues of such individuals just send me an email with the subject message "list of visuals and resources about stalkers and obsessed people". All I ask for in compensation is a $40 donation.
Mental, Physical, Spiritual And Financial Balance
Moorish Brooklyn Will Show You How To Attain Mental Wellness, Physical Wellness, Spiritual Enlightenment, Financial Freedom; Stop Unnecessary Suffering And Transform Your Life Through Lifestyle Alchemy. You Can Achieve Your Goals, Ambitions, Dreams And Have Long Lasting Happiness. Bring More Joy To Your Life Through Holistic Wellness Living.
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