Noblesse Oblige is French for "Nobility Oblige" or in a full sentence "The Obligation of the Noble." By definition the term means:
* Whoever claims or is fortunate to be born a noble must conduct himself/herself nobly.
* One must act in a Divine and proper fashion that conforms to one's high position, elite society membership, high status, title, degree, power, influence and with the reputation that one has earned; was bestowed, inherited, vested, chaired, entrusted, elected, raised or initiated with.
This concept is an ancient melanated philosophy preserved in French but was seen in various ways in melanated cultures in the Americas (North, Central and South America; Caribbean Islands), Africa, Asia, Oceania; knighthood and elite fighting orders, spiritual ascetic orders/lineages, ancient mystery pyramid/Earth mound schools, fraternal and sororal orders, military structures, royal/noble court structure and other areas of high and educated society.
The inferred responsibility of those born privileged or earned through intellectual, social and financial sucess overall is to act with generosity and noble like qualities towards those less privileged locally, nationally and internationally when possible. Through business, social interactions and networking it is my personal mission to be a reminder and reflect the light and moral compass of Noblesse Oblige to the highly educated, professionals, those who are old money or the newly rich and wealthy; the talented, creatives, geniuses, highly skilled and gifted; those in seats of power; celebrities and stars; local, State, Federal and international governments; the learned, awaken, old souls and enlightened to not just merely help or find "temporary" fixes to human issues but to create holistic mental, physical, spiritual and financial solutions for humanity that will be ongoing for generations. Those with access, impactful networks and resources can do great and mighty things for humanity intelligently if they fully understand their Divine role in society and are properly guided or consulted. The most powerful men and most powerful women in the world cannot be called such if they are not making positive quality of life changes in the world that will last for decades, hundreds or thousands of years. Do you think the melanated indigenous, aboriginal, autochthon and paleo cultures that made stone pyramids didn't want their message to last for many years? Obviously they did. Think bigger with a long term view.
The message of noblesse oblige also goes for those who are nouveau riche (newly rich) through the lottery, became "overnight" success stories; gain financial growth or became thousandaires, millionaires or billionaires through ForEx (Foreign Exchange) trading or the new global phenomena known as Bitcoin, cryptocurrency, YOLO (You Only Live Once) and meme investing. The mental, physical, spiritual and financial balance based on ancient spiritual science principles that I teach can help you to change the world and multiple generations. You can send me an email to enquire what is the best way for you to impact the world based on your inherited or newly acquired status or influence.
Quotes On Leadership And Using Privilege For Good:
"The ruler who preceded me did not believe that it was impossible to reach the extremity of the ocean that encircles the earth (the Atlantic Ocean). He wanted to reach that (end) and was determined to pursue his plan." - Musa I also known as Mansa Musa of Mali; said to be the wealthiest man ever to live in recent times.
Paraphrasing: “If you yourself are correct, even without the issuing of orders, things will get done; if you yourself are incorrect, although orders are issued, they will not be obeyed” - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "A gentleman is someone recognized by others to be active in his development of education and abilities. This superior man sets the standard for living a proper life. He was required to lead with traits such as gentleness, benevolence, respectfulness, frugality, and deference." - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "If you lead the people with correctness, who will dare not be correct?" - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "If a man is respectful he will not be treated with insolence. If he is tolerant he will win the multitude. If he is trustworthy in word his fellow men will entrust him with responsibility." - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "It is the obligation of the ruler to continually renew himself in order to renew the people by his example." - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "Lead the people by example. Work hard for them….tirelessly." - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "A leader must be able to give the appropriate name to whatever they want to talk about and must also make sure they do exactly as they say. When it comes to speaking, a leader doesn’t allow any carelessness." - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "If you make the people near to you happy, others will come to you from afar." - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "A leader strives for harmony but not conformity. A petty person strives for conformity but not harmony." - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "A leader is confident but never arrogant. A petty person is arrogant but never confident." - Kong Fuzi/Kongzi known as Confucius
Paraphrasing: "Irrigators channel waters, fletchers straighten arrows, carpenters bend wood, the wise master themselves." - Siddhartha Gautama, Buddha
"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." - President Abraham Lincoln
"Where no counsel is, the people fall: but in the multitude of counselors there is safety." - Proverbs 11:14, King James Version
Paraphrasing; Partial Quote: "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." - Luke 12:48, King James Version
Paraphrasing/Partial Quote: "The leaders of thought and of action grope their way forward to a new life, realizing, sometimes dimly, sometimes clear-sightedly, that the life of material gain, whether for a nation or an individual, is of value only as a foundation, only as there is added to it the uplift that comes from devotion to loftier ideals. The new life thus sought can in part be developed afresh from what is roundabout in the New World; but it can developed in full only by freely drawing upon the treasure-houses of the Old World, upon the treasures stored in the ancient abodes of wisdom and learning..." - Theodore Roosevelt, Man In The Arena (Citizenship In A Republic) speech; Paris, France on April 23, 1910
"The stream will not permanently rise higher than the main source; and the main source of national power and national greatness is found in the average citizenship of the nation. Therefore it behooves us to do our best to see that the standard of the average citizen is kept high; and the average cannot be kept high unless the standard of the leaders is very much higher." - Theodore Roosevelt, Man In The Arena (Citizenship In A Republic) speech; Paris, France on April 23, 1910
Paraphrasing/Partial Quote: "You and those like you have received special advantages; you have, all of you had the opportunity for mental training; many of you have had leisure; most of you have had a chance for enjoyment of life far greater than comes to the majority of your fellows. To you and your kind much has been given, and from you much should be expected. Yet there are certain failings against which it is especially incumbent that both men of trained and cultivated intellect, and men of inherited wealth and position should especially guard themselves..." - Theodore Roosevelt, Man In The Arena (Citizenship In A Republic) speech; Paris, France on April 23, 1910